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You Raise me Up
Fratelli, a Men's Chorus
Words and music by Rolf Lovland and Brendan Graham / arr. Mark Hayes TTBB.
Artistic Director: Zack Thomas Wilde
Pianist: Sio Tepper
May 17, 2019
The Rose
The King's Singers
Words and music by Amanda McBroom
Filmed live at The Temple Church, London
22 March 2019
The Seal Lullaby
Peterborough Male Voice Choir
Words and music by Eric Whitacre's
Directed by William Prideaux and accompanied by Jay Richardson
Advents Konzert aus Dresden
Gounod CeciliaMesse-Sanctus
Pentatonix was the main guest performance for a Yale Livestream in 2021
Maria Lassu
Va Pensiero
Het koor van de Nationale Opera zingt in de finale van ARIA Va, pensiero, ook wel bekend als het lied van het Slavenkoor, uit Verdi’s Nabucco.
When the Saints go marching in
Peterborough Male Voice Choir perform Denis Hood's arrangement of When The Saints Go Marching In. Recorded live in the Broadway Theatre, Peterbrorough on Saturday 16th July 2011. William Prideaux director, Ivan Linford piano.
Conquest of Paradise
1492: Conquest Of Paradise (1492: Dobytí ráje)
Festival Prague Proms
Not Just A Hollywood Night
Czech National Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: Carl Davis